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Here, you'll discover a valuable resource to enhance our partnership in nurturing your student's educational journey. Explore staff voicemail phone numbers and email addresses, fostering seamless communication and collaboration. Together, let's make each step of your student's learning experience extraordinary!

Main office: 303-982-8470
Attendance line: 303-982-8466
Fax line: 303-982-8467

All Staff

Alexandra Bilderback


Jessica Bistram

5th Grade

Alex Brinkman

Madison Colpitts

Madison Colpitts


Elaine Cooper

Facilities Manager

Mary Dechant

Preschool Teacher
Lara Dunn

Lara Dunn

Speech Pathologist

Susan Elsenbast

2nd Grade
Laura Espinal

Laura Espinal

6th Grade
1 2 3 5 > showing 1 - 15 of 62 constituents

Department Directory